dimarts, 22 de febrer del 2011

Speaking: Discuss a questionnaire

Writing: The History Of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola was created in 1886 by John S. Pemberton in Atlanta. He was a druggist that one day, decided to search a cure for the addiction to morphine but, he found refreshing syrup. This syrup was been changing by Pemberton to get a better taste and finally, he discovered the actually most famous drink in world.

About the logo of Coca-Cola, a bookkepper from Atlanta who knew that the taste of the syrup was based in coca leaves and kola nuts, wrote the name for the product with a curious typography and gave it to Pemberton. The logo, the red color, the advertising and the rumors that it was a curative drink made Coca-Cola started to be bought by more and more people around Atlanta.

The first year John only sold 95l of Coca-Cola but the next year he sold about 3800. His Company decided to bottle the Coca-Cola in 1894 and two years later, it began to be bought in all USA. The first Coca-Cola bought in Spain, was around the twenties and became famous as fast as in the USA.


My name is Adrià Salvador and I'm 15 years old. I think what distinguishes me from other is that i have black hair, dark eyes and I need glasses. Also I am thin and not too high. Normally, I have a beard pronounced in my cheeks. Also I have thin fingers with bitten fingernails. The way I talk is high, clear and slow, especially in Spanish. I am left handed and I have bad handwriting but my spelling isn't too bad. My way to dress is classical and casual. I don't really like brands.

dilluns, 21 de febrer del 2011

Classmates' Oral

Blanca & Miós
They talked about Starbucks and its history.
In my opinion, they pronuntation was really good but this oral wasn't interested me because the nearby Starbucks store is in Girona and I don't like much coffee.

He talked about a world championship at Pont de Vaux and its history.
The races and these stuff aren't iteresting for me but I think that It was really full of content

She talked about the Mini and its history.
I liked the images of the new design of Mini and I quite like this car. Her oral was good but she said too many dates.

I wasn't at class the day wich he did the oral but I read in his blog that it was about McDonald's.
I think he must prepare it more because he was nervous but I really liked the commentary of the woman. I'm sure I will never enter in any of those restaurants.

She talked about Lacoste and obviously, about its history.
I wasn't interested because this brand is really expensive and the most things they've is simple. Maybe it's the quality of the clothes but I can assure you that a polo with a crocodile doesn't cost about $80.


He talked about surf and its history.
Damn, I really like surf, when I was younger I went every summer to try to surf with my oncle. He was nervous, probably because he couldn't use his Power Point.

He talked about the mobile phones.
I like this theme, especially because the mobile phones are becoming the future laptops. I've got an Iphone and it can do a lot of things that with my laptop I can hardly do.

He talked about Abercombie & Fitch.
More expensive brand clothes... He did quite well except the part when he said "the tail that people do for come." and his "Pff". Maybe he was nervous but it was funny.


dimarts, 15 de febrer del 2011

Oral Presentation


Hi my name is Adrià Salvador and today I'm going to talk about the history of Coca-Cola. Actually is the most famous drink in the world and I'm sure everyone have drink one.

Coca-Cola was created in 1886 by John S. Pemberton in Atlanta. He was a druggist that one day, decided to search a cure for the addiction to morphine but, he found refreshing syrup. This syrup was been changing by Pemberton to get a better taste and finally, he discovered the actually most famous drink in world.

About the logo of Coca-Cola, a bookkepper from Atlanta who knew that the taste of the syrup was based in coca leaves and kola nuts, wrote the name for the product with a curious typography and gave it to Pemberton. The logo, the red color, the advertising and the rumors that it was a curative drink made Coca-Cola started to be bought by more and more people around Atlanta.

The first year John only sold 95l of Coca-Cola but the next year he sold about 3800. His Company decided to bottle the Coca-Cola in 1894 and two years later, it began to be bought in all USA. The first Coca-Cola bought in Spain, was around the twenties and became famous as fast as in the USA.

There is a map with the consumption per person in the world.

Thanks for listen to me and have a nice day.